Friday 3 June 2016

Term 3 multi language website (intergration with MFL)

statements of inquiry:
Designers must consider the multiple cultural perspectives in communicating effectively by way of language to suit the need of the end users

 I am a student in grade 9 and form a Nigerian background. In Nigeria my official language is English but they also thought us french in class. When i came to Dubai i was in the lowest class for french because the school didn't know my level yet as i was new. but then i did really well so in year 8 i was moved to the highest french class in the grade. i was really proud of myself but then i noticed that i couldn't really do well in the class i was because it was too hard so i was moved to a medium class which i stayed but then i did well in this also and in grade 9 i was moved to the highest class again but i told my teacher and was sent to a medium class again which i am in now. i am doing quite well and i dont have any problems
Task: to create multi-language websites
Target audience: Grade 7 students

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